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Do you want to support us?

Your support is desperately needed for our activities. You can help us not only by your co-operation but also with your donation.

  • Contribution membership - If you contribute at least 150, - CZK, we will send you our magazine "Ďáblík" as well as other materials. We will also send you information about upcoming events.
  • Full membership - If you are interested in, then please apply through the mail You will receive an application form, terms and conditions and then you will be formally accepted. The annual membership fee is 300, - CZK. (The family membership is 400, - CZK). Then you will be invited to participate in our activities.

Our account number: 3202800544 / 0600 MONETA Money bank, České Budějovice
IBAN: CZ80 0600 0000 0032 0280 0544

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