The National Action Plan for the Development of Nuclear Energy (NAP JE) in the Czech Republic envisages the preparation of four new reactors - two in Dukovany NPP and two in Temelín NPP.
After years of delay, the government approved the update of the State Energy Policy (ASEK) of the Czech Republic.
The Day Against the Geological Disposal Facility.
April 18, 2015 - The Day Against the Geological Disposal Facility. On Saturday 18th April 2015, there will be held marches, concerts and other events to mark the joint protest in all seven sites in the Czech Republic which were chosen by the Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (RAWRA/SÚRAO) because of the siting process for a geological disposal facility. By protesting, population in the affected municipalities wanted to draw attention to their fundamental disagreement that is not respected by the state. Detailed information on individual events and the topic of geological disposal is accessible via More in a press release.
Ministers will decide at their Monday's meeting of the Minister Mládek's plan to initiate the approval procedure, which would enable the construction of a new uranium mine at Brzkov and Horní Věžnice deposits between the towns of Polná and Přibyslav in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands.
Environmentally and Economically Friendly Lighting for the South Bohemian Villages
From September 24 to October 31, 2014, we offered photographs by Václav Vašků "Faces of Uranium" for the photo exhibition in the passage of Bookstore Kuba and Pařízek in Polná.
November 2, 2014- From September 24 to October 31, 2014, we offered photographs by Václav Vašků "Faces of Uranium" for the photo exhibition in the passage of Bookstore Kuba and Pařízek in Polná. The exhibition highlighted the impacts of uranium mining on the environment and health of people living in the vicinity a potentially new uranium mine in Brzkov. It was co-organized by Calla, NGO Our Future Without Uranium in Brzkov and Bookstore Kuba and Pařízek. Presentation of the exhibition - a summary of photos with captions is here.
The Economic Limits of Nuclear Energy
The Energy Autonomic Villages - An Opportunity for the Local Economy
November 1, 2013 - Calla prepared the seminar "The Energy Autonomic Villages - An Opportunity for the Local Economy" which took place at the Regional Council of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Presentations are here.