Energy issues

Energy issues

obrazek Calla

The Czech Republic Without Coal and Nuclear

21. 11. 2012 | Calla in co-operation with the Green Circle held the seminar "The Czech Republic Without Coal and Nuclear" in České Budějovice. How does the Czech energetics look like and what price do we pay for our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear? How does the energy world around us change? Do we need additional reactors at Temelín or are there other ways? Can we do just with renewables? Presentations are here.
obrazek Calla

Challenges in the Near Future: Zero-Energy Buildings

9. 11. 2012 | Calla prepared the seminar "Challenges in the Near Future: Zero-Energy Buildings" which was organized in response to the new requirements of the Czech Act on energy performance in terms of construction and energy standards for buildings and energy performance certificates. Presentations are here.
obrazek Calla

Green Energy and Nuclear Power: Who Owns the Future?

13. 10. 2011 | Heinrich Böll Stiftung together with Hnutí Duha, Calla and the Green Academy in Prague organized the conference "Green Energy and Nuclear Power: Who Owns the Future?" The speakers were, for example, Mycle Schneider (the author of "World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2011"), the economist Steve Thomas of the University of Greenwich, František Hrdlička, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Prague (ČVUT), consultant Petr Otčenášek, Martin Bursík (the former Minister of the Environment) and other experts. Presentations can be downloaded from here.
obrazek Calla

Germany Without Nuclear Power Plants. And What About the Czech Republic?

31. 5. 2011 | Calla, Hnutí Duha, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Prague and the Czech professional associations for renewable energy sources organized the seminar "Germany Without Nuclear Power Plants. And What About the Czech Republic?" At an event in the Conference Hall of the European House in Prague spoke German experts Lutz Mez of the Freie Universität Berlin and Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, president of the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), Michal Šváb of Energy Analyses and Consulting (ENA Ltd.), an energy consultant Petr Holub and Edvard Sequens from Calla. Presentations in pdf format can be downloaded from here.
obrazek Calla

Smart Energy for South Bohemia

29. 3. 2011 | Calla and Hnutí Duha organized the seminar "Smart Energy for South Bohemia" which was held at the Regional Council of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. It introduced an alternative energy concept for the Czech Republic, the results of a study on the potential of home insulation and also focused on the issue of heat production in České Budějovice, where plans for the utilization of biomass for heat generation, a heat pipeline from Temelín or incineration of municipal waste are being introduced in addition to the existing brown coal-fired boilers. Presentations can be downloaded here.
obrazek Calla

Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste and the Rights of Affected Communities

31. 1. 2011 | Calla organized a series of seminars in potential localities for storage of radioactive waste. The last occurred in Pačejov (Březový potok) on 31st January 2011. The presentation "Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste and the Rights of Affected Communities" by Pavel Doucha can be downloaded here and "Security of Geological Disposal Facility and Transport of Radioactive Waste" by Dalibor Stráský, an independent consultant, is here.
obrazek Calla

Passive Houses – Housing For You

9. 4. 2010 | Calla organized the seminar "Passive Houses – Housing For You" which was held in the boardroom of South Bohemian Regional Authority in České Budějovice. Top experts responded to participants' questions about these modern, efficient and healthy buildings. Presentations are here.
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