
Association for Preservation of the Environment

is a citizens' environmental association founded in 1991. Calla is named after a protected plant, the water-arum (Calla palustris).

Our mission is to offer people a helping hand for protection of the environment, contribute to preservation of valuable ecosystems in South Bohemia, and support the desirable transformation of the Czech energy system to a clean, safe and renewable one.

Our activities

Naše semináře většinou zaujmou

Sustainable Energy Promotion Programme

In the energy domain, we provide municipalities and citizens' associations with expertise in order to promote a sustainable and safe energy system with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. We provide consultations, publish awareness-raising materials, organise thematic workshops, conferences and excursions. We have established an online database on renewable sources of energy, a website dealing with climate change and a webpage with information on nuclear energy

Ekovýchova v praxi

Nature and Landscape Protection Programme

Calla focuses on nature protection, particularly in South Bohemia. We actively oppose projects that might damage valuable natural sites, and help people who want to defend nature around them. We promote near-natural restoration of mining sites, especially sand pits, and we take care of some sites ourselves ( We protect old trees and animal species that live attached to each other ( In addition, you can adopt the Sand Martin through us (


Calla's Environmental Consultancy

Besides ordinary environmental consultancy issues, we offer help in the following areas: sustainable energy, nature and landscape protection and environmentally friendly reclamation of mining sites, in which we specialise.


zpravodaj Ďáblík

Ďáblík Magazine and Other Information Resources

An electronic monthly magazine provides information on Calla's activities and projects. It contains opinions, thematic essays, invitations, notices and other important information. In cooperation with Hnutí DUHA, Calla organises regular discussion evenings known as "Green Thursdays" on various topics related to environmental issues. For several years now, we have been organising a series of guided natural scientific walks for the public in and around České Budějovice.

Ďáblík Magazine

Annual report

Calla is a member of

Zeleny kruh logo

Zelený kruh (the Green Circle - Association of Environmental NGOs)

STEP logo

STEP (the Czech Eco-Counselling Network)


KRASEC (the Regional Network of Environmental Centres

Would you like to support us?

Calla - Association for Preservation of the Environment
Fráni Šrámka 1168/35, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 384 971 930
Bank account number: 3202800544 / 0600 MONETA Money bank, České Budějovice
IBAN: CZ80 0600 0000 0032 0280 0544

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