Energy issues

Energy issues

obrazek Calla

Global Climate Change - Facts and Fiction

30. 9. 2009 |

September 30, 2009 - Calla, Veronica Ecological Institute and Heinrich Böll Stiftung organized the seminar "Global Climate Change - Facts and Fiction" which was held at the great hall of the Auditorium at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Presentations can be downloaded here.

obrazek Calla

Wind Turbines and the Environment

10. 3. 2009 |

March 10, 2009 - Out of all renewable energy sources, wind turbines trigger probably the most negative reactions on the part of nature and landscape protection. The aim of the seminar "Wind Turbines and the Environment" with the debate of experts was to define the conditions that will allow the use of wind energy while minimizing environmental impacts. Program and presentations can be downloaded here. More in a press release.

obrazek Calla

The Context of Uranium Mining

20. 11. 2008 |

November 20, 2008- The seminar "The Context of Uranium Mining" was organized by Calla in co-operation with NGO Our Podještědí (Naše Podještědí) in Liberec. It concerned the issue of a possible recovery of uranium mining in the Czech Republic. More in the press release. Papers and the brochure can be downloaded here.

obrazek Calla

Uranium Action Day

7. 10. 2008 | Calla and Naše Podještědí NGO organized the "Uranium Action Day" in Kotel near Stráž pod Ralskem, where a biggest uranium mine area used to be, on September 20. See a press release and also flyers in English and German. The official webpage of UAD is here. Less » More »

As the uranium prices surge, the interest in uranium deposits in the unworked areas of the Liberec Region increases as well. One of the deposits is called Osečná - Kotel. Locals are strictly against new mining and have already taken many actions. More info is here.

The parties which show interest in mining are the Czech state enterprise DIAMO and the Australian company Uran Limited.

obrazek Calla

Calla welcomed the dismissal of geological surveys of uranium deposits in the Highlands.

9. 11. 2007 |

November 9, 2007 - Calla welcomed the dismissal of geological surveys of uranium deposits in the Highlands. Uran Limited, an Australian company, represented by the Czech company Timex Zdice, submitted a proposal to explore new uranium deposits in Polná and Jamné in the Jihlava region. The Ministry of the Environment rejected the request due to conflict with national Raw Materials Policy (1999), which stipulates the termination of uranium mining in the Czech Republic. More info is here.

obrazek Calla

The Economic Aspects of Nuclear Power

28. 3. 2006 | Calla in co-operation with Friends of the Earth Czech Republic (Hnutí DUHA) and with support of Heinrich Böll Stiftung organized the international conference called "The Economic Aspects of Nuclear Power". More details, photos and presentations from speakers are here.
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